Home About the Ghast

My Books

Current Projects

I'm not working on any of my projects seriously at the moment.

[Dappled Fortune]

A fantasy series in a world of mundane magic. It seems that there is no epic magic, but things are not always as they seem...


A Last Call to Arms

A sociological book about the Western World, and how it came to be the way it is today, as well as a possible "golden path" that it could choose to take by adopting Libertarian Ethics.


Timeline: I have been working on this book for about 2 years and expect it to take about another 8 years to complete, barring any more unforseen circumstances. The recently loss of my computer has nearly completely stalled my progress, though I hope to be fixing this soon.

[Like A Gentleman]

A book on ettiquite and class.

Influences: Facinating Womanhood (1922 version).

[Setting the Record Straight]

An as-yet-unnamed manuscript where I'm collecting various historical stories and facts that are commonly misunderstood or mistaught. This also includes retracted studies, debunked theories, and so on. This one is the least on my list of priorities.


[A Visual and Practical Math]

A math "textbook"/series aimed at showing math in a visual way with real life applications, generally suitable for adults and older teens.

Inspiration: My mother has always struggled with math, but when you can explain it to her using geometry or currency, the ideas instantly click in her head because it connects to concepts she feels comfortable with. Math anxiety is one of the biggest factors holding back math attainment in middle IQ populations in the United States, as well as increasing reluctance to teach traditional algorithms and rote memorization of basic facts, such as times tables.